Business After Hours Hosted by the Republican Party
The Greene County Republican Party is hosting the Chamber Business After Hours event in their new headquarters at 45 E. Main Street, Xenia, on Thursday, July 12, 4:30 to 6:30pm. Members of all Greene County Chambers of Commerce are invited to see the new facility, located across from the County Courthouse. Services offered at the facility include voter registration and updating, information on candidates and issues, voter poll location, and many other activities including interaction with local elected officials and candidates. The next activity, Lunch with Legislators, on Monday, July 16, 11-1pm at the Headquarters will feature Robert Sprague (member of Ohio House of Representatives, 83rd District, and candidate for Treasurer of the State of Ohio). Lunch is available for a $10 donation (RSVP: 937-974-7917) OR bring your own lunch.
The headquarters is currently open on Tues/Thurs 5-8pm and Weds/Fri/Sat 10-1pm; closed July 3-4 and during Fair Week. For more information: (937)474-8798,, Facebook: GreeneCountyOhioGOP, and Twitter: @GreeneGOP.