City of Xenia begins annual task of Street Repair and Repaving

City of Xenia begins annual task of

Street Repair and Repaving


Xenia, Ohio (May 31, 2018) -- The City of Xenia has commenced its annual street repaving
program after an extremely brutal winter that severely impacted the overall condition of streets and roads throughout Xenia.  

Each year, the City of Xenia strives to allocate a minimum $500,000 annually to street repaving and repairs that eliminate potholes and eases debilitating roadway wear and tear due to weather and other extremes. The City typically spends more than that amount each year.   This year, due in part to citizen concerns and the extremely challenging effects of the 2018 winter weather, Xenia City Council voted unanimously to add additional funding totaling $1.2 million dollars to mostly patch and repave the worst affected portions of thoroughfare streets in the City first.  Including City funds and state and federal grants, it is expected the City will have allotted a total of $2.8 million dollars to repair of Xenia streets for calendar year 2018.

Portions of the streets being patched, repaired or repaved (to include drive lanes only) include:
Colorado Drive
Dayton Avenue
Allison Avenue
West Second Street
West Church Street

Also, the entire widths of North Galloway and Union Roads will be repaired.  

The street repairs are expected to take a minimum of two weeks to complete.

In addition, Progress Drive and North and South Detroit Streets have undergone repaving over the past month.

In response to overall street conditions, Xenia City Council commissioned a Blue Ribbon Panel “Streets Solutions Committee” earlier this year to discuss ways to improve the condition of all Xenia’s thoroughfares and neighborhood streets.  The Committee has recommended several methods to Council to fund Xenia street repairs after learning that it would cost more than $30 million dollars to bring all streets up to an average acceptable condition.


2018 Street Program Release

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