Valentine's Day Flowers - by Wicklines Florist

Beautiful Flowers for Your Loved Ones



Valentine's Day Flowers - by Wicklines Florist

           For a romantic Valentine's day, express your love with the best Valentine's Day flowers from Wicklines Florist! From romantic roses to impressive modern bouquets, we can help you select beautiful and affordable flowers for Valentine's Day and deliver them to Xenia, OH or nationwide. For a day filled with love and romance, look no further than Wicklines Florist! 

Ultimate Valentine 
12 Roses Arranged in a Vase with Greens, Stuffed Bear, 8 oz Box of Friesinger's Chocolate & a Valentine Balloon $99.95 Add Baby's Breath $109.95

Local Delivery Only No Wire Out

Teleflora's Young At Heart Bouquet
Celebrate your sweetheart with this hot pink bouquet, delivered for Valentine's Day in a shimmering mirrored cube with a pink ombre rhinestone heart! 

 49.95, 59.95, 69.95

Teleflora's Red Haute Bouquet
Take their Valentine's Day breath away with this passionate rose bouquet, presented in a keepsake glass lantern vase with beautiful lace detail and sparkling heart charm. 

 69.95, 79.95, 89.95

Pretty in Colors
1 Stargazer Lily, Spray Roses, Pitt, Baby's Breath and a Butterfly in a Butterfly Container $29.95 

Local Delivery Only No Wire Out

Passion of the Heart
3 Roses, Daisies, Pitt, Heart Key Chain, Curly Ribbon in a Polka Dot Container $29.95 Local Delivery Only No Wire Out

 Be Still My Heart
Carnations, Daisies, Pitt & Glitter Hearts in a Polka Dot
Container $19.95 
Local Delivery  Only No Wire Out



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Wicklines Florist Garden Center & Landscaping, 1625 North Detroit Street, Xenia, OH 45385


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