Retirement Finale at the April WIB Luncheon
Retirement Finale at the April WIB Luncheon
At the April 6 Women In Business Luncheon, the retiring Chamber Administrative Assistant describes events that changed her life, with the message that everyone should learn from their own past fears and triumphs. Please join Carole to celebrate the success of Women In Business, which she loves so much. A buffet by Sweets Boutique and great networking round out this event beginning at 11:30 at the Xenia YMCA.
Carole Braun was born and raised in Louisville, KY but she considers herself a hillbilly, since she spent time growing up at her grandparent's Appalachian tobacco farm, and with her aunt's family in the Rocky Mountains. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Film from Indiana University and her Master's Degree in Conflict Management from Antioch University. She ran the Antioch College Communications Facility for more than 20 years.
Carole has always been fascinated by the media and has worked in film, video, radio, photography, public relations, newspapers, magazines, advertising, and copy editing. She has two children, of whom she is hugely proud. Her son Sam is Community Service Director of the Montgomery County Auditor's Office and her daughter Sarah is Director of Family & Community Engagement at SAFY, the national foster care nonprofit. Community rules with Carole's family! She also has a new granddaughter, Athena Solene, who is changing her life.
Women in Business meets the first Thursday of every month at 11:30 for lunch. The buffet is $12 for those who register by noon the Wednesday before the meeting. The charge for late registration or walk-ins is $20. To register, call or email Carole at the Chamber 372-3591 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Guests are welcome to attend two meetings before committing to Chamber membership.