Judge Amy Lewis to Speak at August 19th WIB Luncheon

Featured Event

Judge Amy Lewis WIB 082021Women In Business of Greene County
Date / Time:  August 19, 2021 / 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Location:  The Mall at Fairfield Commons, Bvck  (see map for parking and entrance details)

 Amy Lewis has over two decades of experience working in Greene County Juvenile Court. She was appointed on March 1, 2021 by Governor DeWine to serve as Judge for the Greene County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division.

Prior to this she served as a magistrate at the Court beginning in March, 2000 and was the Court Administrator and Chief Magistrate from January 2016 to March 1, 2021 During her tenure at the Court as the Court Administrator she wrote grants and developed programming that allowed the Court to update technology in the courtrooms, introduced a new case management system, brought e-filing to the court, created and opened an Assessment Center to provide immediate mental health, substance abuse and other ongoing services for referred youth and created an Intervention Center that provides ongoing programming and counseling for high risk Greene County youth.

Judge Lewis has resided in Greene County since 1992. She graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1989 with a B.A. in Telecommunications and is a 1992 a graduate of the Ohio Northern University College of Law. Prior to judicial service, Judge Lewis served as an Assistant Greene County Prosecutor and as the Prosecutor for the City of Xenia.

In addition to her judicial responsibilities at the Court, she provides oversight of the Greene County Juvenile Court Intervention and Assessment Centers, the Greene County Juvenile Detention Center, the Miami Valley Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, Probation, Diversion, Truancy Interventionists and is the Juvenile Clerk of Court.

Currently, Judge Lewis serves as a member on the Supreme Court of Ohio Board on the Unauthorized Practice of Law and on two Ohio Judicial Conference Committees: the Juvenile Law and Procedure and the Criminal Law and Procedure Committees. She also serves on the Ohio RECLAIM Advisory Committee and is a member of 100 Women of Greene County Making a Difference.

Previously Judge Lewis served on the Greene County Domestic Violence Project committee, was on the Board of Directors with the Yellow Springs Children’s Center, was a youth baseball coach and a Sunday school teacher at Faith Community United Methodist Church for several years. She is past president and a member of the Greene County Bar Association.

Judge Lewis resides in Xenia Township with her husband Ron and is the mother of four children


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