XACC Women In Business Returning September 17th
To keep everyone safe and well, we will gather virtually by ZOOM on September 17, 2020 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to hear Lesli Beavers, Director of Workforce and Business Solutions at Clark State Community College, presenting Generational Differences in the Workplace – Understanding, Adapting and Moving Forward
We will take a brief look at the demographics, and societal implications, of all five generations currently in the workforce to understand how each has been affected and molded by their generational experiences. Then we will focus on the upcoming generations – Millennials and Generation Z – and explore actionable strategies for engaging and retaining those generations in the workforce.
This meeting is free to attend and we'll send a zoom meeting invitation closer to September 17th. Prior to the meeting, Chamber members will be able to provide a brief written "touch point" to replace our usual time spent introducing our selves and sharing what's happening with our businesses and organizations. Watch for more details on this!
See You on the 17th!