August 2020 Business Connection


Business Connection

August 2020

The official newsletter of Clark State's Workforce and Business Solutions. 

Maximize Business Profit and Growth: Through the Lens of Diversity and Inclusion
featuring Dr. Maurice Stinnett
VP of Diversity and Inclusion for BSE Global

August 10, 2020 | 2 - 3 p.m.

Join us for this FREE webinar, as we welcome a national leader in the space of Diversity and Inclusion, Dr. Maurice Stinnett, to begin the important discussion of equity and inclusion and how embracing this discussion can lead to business growth and success, including real world examples of company leaders in this space and their success.

Topics covered will include:

  • Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, specifically from a business perspective.
  • Explore unconscious bias and begin to understand how to recognize your own unconscious bias and bias that may exist in current workplace policies.
  • Understand how unconscious bias impacts the workplace, including hiring, productivity, engagement and retention.

Embracing this work within your organization is proven to increase overall output and your bottom line.

Register Now

Professional Sales Ready Certification
*Grant Funding Now Available! See if you qualify today!*

Online | August 25  - October 15, 2020
T/TH7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST

This 7 week, 33 hour, non-credit online Sales Ready Certification Program is highly interactive. It uses revealing assessments and true- to- life role plays to prepare students for successful sales careers that align with their strengths. It also enhances and strengthens the skills anyone needs to succeed in today's in-demand job market.

Earn Your Digital Badge Credential!
Earners of the Clark State Professional Sales Ready Certification badge have demonstrated an ability to effectively take a customer through the life cycle of a sale. Students mastered research, qualifying the prospects, applying negotiation tactics, and calculating a compelling ROI. Students demonstrated knowledge of customer relationship management CRM technology, sales goal planning, critical thinking, articulation, and communication skills. 

Register Now

Success in the Era of a Virtual Workplace

August 18 - 20, 2020 | Virtual | 10 - 11 a.m. EST

With the significant increase in remote work and virtual meeting tools, having the skills to connect, collaborate and succeed through virtual meetings will be important for everyone in the workforce. Whether you are still working remotely or back in the office, meetings will continue to utilize virtual tools. The way that we connect now with both our internal colleagues and outside partners, clients and stakeholders has changed.

August 18, 2020: Successful Connections in a Virtual World
Participants will learn how to successfully connect with individuals when working virtually. This session will cover:

  • Presence and posture- creating a positive visual and voice connection with your audience
  • Distractions - minimizing distractions that may inhibit you from having a great connection with your audience
  • Background - creating an inviting backdrop for your meeting
  • The do's and don'ts for virtual meetings

August 19, 2020: Communicating with People in a Virtual World

  • How good are your communications skills?
  • Crafting clear email messages
  • Phone etiquette when working remote
  • Non-verbal vs. verbal communication
  • Communications Skills Test
  • What can you do better?

August 20,2020: Connecting and Collaborating in a Virtual World

  • Running successful virtual meetings
  • Virtual presentation skills
  • Conducting successful meetings via a virtual format
  • Collaboration tools to stay connected

Series Cost - $200 | Single Session - $75

Register Now

More Online Training Opportunities!
Click on each link for more information

Career Training Opportunities
Content Marketing Associate
Video Game Design
Certified Project Manager w/ CAPM
Grant Writing + Nonprofit Management

Short - Term Training
August 17  - Contact Tracer Training
August 24 - STNA Training
August 25 - Professional Sales Ready Certification 

Check out our full online career training catalog, by clicking here


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Return on Investment... It Pays To Belong

When a business invests in the Xenia Area Chamber, it forms a partnership with over 400 other investors that leverage time, money, and other assets to create stronger individual businesses and a stronger community.