Premier Health Holds 2020 African American Wellness Walk

We are excited to announce the 20th year Anniversary of the Annual African American Wellness Walk that will be held as a 2-week virtual walk/run event from August 3 – August 14, 2020 and then end with a “Post-Race Virtual Party” on Saturday, August 15, 2020 from 1 to 2:15 p.m. A Zoom Link will be emailed to all registrants/participants.

Premier 2020 Health Walk
The African American Wellness Walk (AAWW) was established in 2000 to raise awareness and combat the heart health disparities for African Americans. The walk has since evolved to address the alarming underlying health conditions that plague our families and friends in minority communities.

The current events and continued inequitable treatment in our country gives us a greater opportunity to transform and evolve the African American Wellness Walk to include the life experiences that impact health outcomes of African Americans. According to the 2019 Community Health Assessment by Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, Black babies die at a rate that is four times higher than White babies. Black women are less likely to receive adequate prenatal care and are 2x as likely to have a low-birth weight baby compared to White women. Across Montgomery County, Black men have higher rates of heart disease, stroke, prostate cancer, and diabetes when compared to the countywide average. The total average lifespan for a Black man in Montgomery County is only 65.5 years – this is six years less than White man and 13 years lower than White women.

This year marks a major milestone – the 20th year anniversary of the African American Wellness Walk. The walk has typically been held during celebration of Juneteenth, a commemorative day representing the freedom of African Americans from slavery. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and social distancing, the walk has been postponed until August 2020 and reimagined as a virtual walk. As part of the “virtual” walk, we are inviting everyone within the community to join us to work toward the eradication of disparities that exists in minority communities.

To register visit:

Please complete your race verification by 11:59 PM on August 14, 2020.  Verify race completion and to upload photos for the post race virtual party!

For More Information Contact:

Terrea Little
Community Relations
Miami Valley Hospital South
Tue, Wed & Thurs (937) 438-2134
Miami Valley Hospital
Mon & Fri (937) 208-2113
Fax (937) 641-7276
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