Welcome. Your health and well-being are important to us. As we continue to monitor news about COVID-19 and follow guidelines established by local, state, and federal health officials, we are planning for a phased reopening of our branches. In March, we adjusted our branch hours and continued to service customers through drive-thru teller windows and by appointment only. As a next step in reopening our branches, we are returning to standard/normal branch hours for drive thru window transactions and personal appointments in the lobby. Our branches located in grocery stores and a few without drive-thru teller windows continue to be temporarily closed. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or are showing symptoms, we ask that you not enter our branch lobbies and conduct your transactions through one of our drive-thru teller windows. Remember you can also bank anytime, anywhere, using online banking, the Huntington Mobile app, or by visiting one of our conveniently located ATMs. Please go to huntington.com for our latest call center and branch information, and more details on our branch reopening plans. Thank you for banking with Huntington. |