Cash Mob - an organized "mob" that meets and spends money at a local, independent business at a specified time. Cash Mobs are the perfect way to shop local, have fun, and meet new people in our community.
Carson's Treasures Wednesday, October 2nd 5-6 PM 75 W Main Street
1. Commit to spending at least $10 at the featured mob business. October's business is Carson's Treasures (75 West Main St - Xenia). 2. When you are done shopping, catch up with other downtown supporters at Devil Wind Brewery. 3. Have a ridiculous amount of fun knowing you are single-handedly supporting YOUR local business community!
Carson's Treasures is a welcome addition to the West Main landscape. This shop offers a unique selection of products that compliment our growing list of downtown offerings. Davin Carson will buy/sell/trade gold, silver and costume jewelry, pocket and fixed blade knives, vinyl records, DVDs, video games, and power and hand tools. This isn't Davin's first foray into operating a shop of this nature. He has worked with his parents for years in a similar shop downtown Waynesville. Please come out for the mob and to support this new to town business!
Did you know that for every $100 spent at a local small business, $68 returns to the community? SPREAD THE WORD!
Brought to you by Downtown Xenia Now! #XeniaProud
Downtown Xenia Now is a public-private collaboration to advance the economic and social vitality of Xenia by strengthening its core.
Downtown Xenia will be a regional hub for active living and commerce that will attract businesses, bikes, residents, and visitors.