Summer Updates From Hunter Consulting



  BWC Important Dates:

[Private Employers]

31 - Deadline:
Drug-Free Safety - SH-26
*Industry Specific Safety - SH-26

31 - Safety Council Enrollment Deadline

[Public Employers]

31 - Enrollment Deadline:
*One Claim
*Individual Retro

31 - Application Deadline:
* Policy Activity Rebate

Safety Accountability Letter

Group Rating Participants

Do you know anyone starting a new business in Ohio?

Be sure to tell them about the BWC'sIncentive Program.

Grow Ohio - allows employers new to the Ohio area the opportunity to take advantage of significant discounts when they either sign-up to join a group-experience-rating program or can receive an automatic discount on their workers' compensation premiums.

  • Employers who opt to join a group-experience-rating program receive a premium discount-potentially up to 53% effective their FIRST day of coverage.
  • Those employers who do not join a group, can receive up to a 25% discount on their workers' compensation premiums.

Visit the BWC
to learn more about Grow Ohio, or simply click GROW OHIO

Safe + Sound Week is Coming
Show your commitment to workplace safety 
Click safety to learn how.

The BWC has announced its Better You. Better Ohio! program encouraging businesses to take advantage of health and wellness resources for those who work in "high-risk" industries.

Click more to sign up and be better!

Ohio Private Employer Rate Reduction

Ohio private employers will save more than $200 million in workers' compensation premiums this year under a rate reduction that took effect July 1, 2019.  The reduction is the largest in nearly 60 years.  Read more:

BWC Rate Reduction

True-up Period for Private Employers 

Private employer payroll true-up period for the 2019 policy year (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) begins July 1. The deadline for completing payroll true-up is Aug. 15.

Employers must complete the payroll true-up report online

For additional information, view the the Payroll true-up reports overview page.

BWC added new Go-Green requirements for 2019. Visit the Go-Green overview page for details.

Private Employer Group Rating Enrollment Now Open!

Renewal Forms will be mailed this month!

Renewal Questions?  Contact Tammy Purcell @ 513-231-4023 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking to Join Hunter's Group?  Contact Jeff Price @ 513-372-8718 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any employer that incurred a claim during the GREEN period and is currently participating in a WORKERS' COMPENSATION GROUP RATING PROGRAM, must complete 2 hours of safety training to be compliant with Ohio BWC guidelines. 

 Private Employer green year:
July 1, 2016- September 30, 2017

Public Employer green year:
**January 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018**

 There are a number of options available for completing this requirement, employers can:

  • Attend a training session provided by the BWC's Division of Safety & Hygiene
  • Complete the BWC's online Accident Analysis course and the corresponding report.

Once you have completed the training send your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION to 

Tammy Purcell via fax at
(513) 372-8742 or
via email at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Copyright © Hunter Consulting All Rights Reserved. 

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