Ohio BWC 2019 Installment Due


Private State Fund Employers - The first installment for the 2019 policy year was due to BWC on 6/21/19.  If you have not remitted this payment, it is urgent that  you do so immediately.  The 15 day grace period expires on 7/5/19, at which point any policy with an unpaid installment will be in lapsed status.

Premium payments can be made on the BWC website at www.bwc.ohio.gov.  If you have not utilized the website previously, you will need to set-up an e-account.

Please don't hesitate to contact the Hunter offices at (513) 231-4023 option 6, should you have questions or need assistance.

If you have already remitted payment for the 6/21/19 installment, please disregard this message.

Hunter Consulting Company


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