Sign Up for Hamvention Alerts
If you are planning a visit to Hamvention 2019, you are urged to sign up for the Hamvention alerts which are available again this year on your mobile phone. To subscribe to the system just text Hamvention19 to 888777. The alerts will provide up-to-date information for those traveling to or attending Hamvention such as weather, traffic, parking and other useful information throughout Hamvention. If you signed up for the alerts in 2018 you are automatically registered for this year.
The alerts are especially important for up-to-minute information about parking and weather, especially for those who might not be able to monitor the talk-in or bulletin stations. The alerts will provide another way to direct drivers to the best parking solution if weather requires closing some onsite parking lots or if some remote lots fill up. A special thanks to Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer, KX8GCS, for making the alerts possible again this year.
The Media Committee is working to make winning prize numbers available on the alert system soon after they are drawn. This is an effort to help winners claim prizes and to decrease the number of unclaimed prizes that must be redrawn prior to the main prize drawing on Sunday. During Hamvention the numbers from the hourly prize drawing will be posted on Twitter and Facebook as well as displayed on monitors throughout the fairground's buildings. Following Sunday's Grand Prize drawings, winners will also be posted on Twitter and on
The alert system, which was initiated in 2018, was a Hamvention effort to get visitors the information they need. It is a supplement to the Hamvention talk in station that has operated for many years on the Dayton Amateur Radio Association repeater, 146.94(-) 123.0 Tone to give directions and other assistance. Last year a traffic bulletin station was also added on 145.525 to periodically repeat needed information. Amateurs with 2 meter capability are urged to enter those frequencies into their radios before starting their Hamvention journey.
Hamvention 2019, the world's largest amateur radio gathering, will be held May 17-19 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, OH.