Central State University

Education - University - College

Location Information

Dr. Alex Johnson, Interim President

1400 Brush Row Road
Wilberforce, OH 45384

Phone: (937) 376-6011

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Company Description

Central State University is a nationally recognized, academic institution located in the heart of Ohio. The University has leading edge programs in urban education, engineering and science, and fine and performing arts. The Ohio General Assembly in an act that created a Combined Normal and Industrial Department at Wilberforce University established Central State University on March 19, 1887. The older institution was founded by the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1856 and named in honor of the abolitionist William Wilberforce. In 1941, the General Assembly expanded the new Department, which was considered as a separate school with its own Board of Trustees, into a College of Education and Industrial Arts offering four-year college programs. In 1951, the legislature provided the name Central State College, and in 1965, Central State was granted university status. The University is a key contributor to the production of leaders who serve in the fields of teaching, science, law, business, and the arts. Central State is committed to supporting Ohio’s efforts to increase the number of citizens with baccalaureate degrees in the knowledge-based fields of the twenty-first century. Central State is Ohio’s only public Historically Black institution of higher education.

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